The cause may be direct contact with active fungi – floors around swimming pools or in showers. Alternatively normal fungus on the skin may overgrow – where immune resistance is poor or in systemic conditions such as diabetes
A damaged nail is more likely to get a fungal infection
Shoes and socks are a warm, moist and dark environment and provide an ideal breeding ground for fungus
Fungal Infections of the Nail:
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of a nail
Fungal infections of the nail can be very difficult to treat
The fungus gets under the nail at the end where you trim your nail. It spreads from the skin to the nail and then under the nail plate and into the nail bed
What do Fungal Infections of the Nail Look Like?
In the early stages there may be superficial white plaques on the nail
In the more complex cases the nail will be thickened with yellow or brown discolouration. There may be a build up of dead skin under the nail also
Treatment by a Podiatrist:
Early treatment greatly improves the chances of good outcomes
Antifungal nail lacquers from the Pharmacy. Your Podiatrist can recommend the best one for you to try
Oral antifungals – prescribed by your general practitioner
Your Podiatrist can trim and burr the fungal nail to reduce the thickness and improve comfort. This can also aid in the nail absorption of the antifungal nail lacquers.
Fungal Infections of the Skin:
Tinea pedis is a fungal infection of the skin
What do Fungal Infections of the Skin look like?
The skin may have patches of itchy skin on the sole of the foot or between the toes. The instep of the foot is a common place for these patches to occur
The entire sole of the foot may be scaly, red and irritated
White soggy skin, or maceration, between the toes
Treatment by a Podiatrist:
Antifungal creams or sprays from the Pharmacy. Your Podiatrist can recommend the best one for you to try
Some antifungals may be combined with cortisone to help reduce the itch and inflammation in the skin.